I'm Back!!
Well, just over seven years have passed since you’ve heard from me. That’s a long, long time. I’m not the same person I was when I last wrote. Our family is not the same family that is was when I last wrote. Seven years is simply too much to update you on, so in this post I’m simply going to introduce us as if we’ve never met and we can go from there. I’m going to give it my all to blog a little more often even if the only purpose it serves is to create a chronicle of our lives for me to look back on someday. It’s kinda odd, this blog could be so many things. An adoptive family blog, a special needs family blog, a sports family blog, a multi-generational home blog…the list goes on. But it’s none of those in exclusivity. It’s exactly what the title says. It’s a blog about us living the life we imagined…leaving behind no regrets, no chance untaken, no what if’s. Even if they all don’t turn out the way we planned, we take the chances and live the lives we imagined. So, when I...