The journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. Lao-Tzu

Brooks is getting a brother! We would like to share with you all some exciting news. We have started the official process of adopting a child from Rwanda. We look forward to having a second little boy who will come to live with us at the age of 2-3. We are very excited and hope that you will share in the excitement of this process with us. In adoption circles they refer to this as a “paper pregnancy.” I’m hoping I get to eat unlimited quantities of chips and guacamole this time around, too!

We have always thought about international adoption, but always thought we would be adopting a little girl, probably from China. However, we both feel that God has found our child for us in Rwanda. As the months go on I will post information about our progress in this long process and information about Rwanda itself. For now, I will answer some of the first questions people usually ask us.
* Yes, as far as we know, we could have another biological child. We feel that God has chosen this path for our family. We know that this is not the path He chooses for most families, but we are confident in this decision.
* We are not adopting an infant because we think that we are given a unique opportunity through adoption to space our boys the way that we feel is best for our family.
*We are not using an agency. We are doing what is called an “independent” adoption; we will have an attorney in Kigali helping us.
* Rwanda is not a popular adoption country, so the process is not always clearly defined. The Rwandan side of things appears to be very efficient, but there are few examples to follow. We will learn as we go, but nothing is certain in any adoption, so plans can drastically change along the way.
* The process appears to take those who have been through it anywhere from 6-12 months. There are many steps that must occur independently of one another and any one of them can cause a delay.
* The plan is for all three of us to travel to Rwanda to pick up our new son.

I will post a timeline here that I will update continuously so that you can see our steps as we progress through the process.

Finally, please pray for us in the following areas:
* For patience, this can be a long, emotional process. Our son is, at this very moment, living away from us on the other side of the world. It is highly likely he is in an orphanage or experiencing very hard times with his biological family from whom by some circumstances he will soon be parted. This is a heart wrenching notion if we truly dwell on it. Pray that we can experience the excitement of the process and be patient and wait, knowing that our timing is not always God’s timing.
* For all those who process our various petitions, applications, etc. Pray for speed and favorable determinations.
* For Brooks as we prepare him for this major change.
* For our new son as he lives in Rwanda. Please pray that if he is in the orphanage he stays well and nourished. Pray that if he is still with his biological family, that he form bonds, memories, and impressions that he can carry with him throughout his life. Pray for peace for his biological family, especially his parents if they are living, that they might know that he will be loved and cared for. Pray that he not see too much suffering with his young eyes, and that he not feel alone as he waits for us.
*For our families and friends as they prepare their hearts to welcome a new child through adoption.

We witness a miracle every time a child enters into life.But those who make their journey home across time & miles,growing within the hearts of those who wait to love them,are carried on the wings of destiny and placed among us by God's very own hands.--- Kristi Larson

Check back soon as I publish some information about Rwanda. For now here is a touching video (you'll want to pause the music now playing before you play the video!):


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