Little Boy's Bible

Tonight in Brooks's little boy Bible, I opened to the story about Jochebed floating baby Moses down the Nile to save his life. It was in the devotional part after the story that I had to smile at the perfect timing of the story for me even if Brooks didn't see it. The devotional said, "Sometimes when we have to trust God with how a situation works out . . .all we can do is wait patiently. But there are also times when God wants us to use the brains He gave us and do what we can. We should ask God for wisdom and help . . .and get busy." It closed with a "Verse to Remember": A child's version of Isaiah 1:17, "Learn to do good. Seek justice. Help the oppressed. Defend the orphan. Fight for the rights of widows."

We're waiting patiently--we're ready to use our brains and do what we can!


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